Umelec samouk nevie kresliť ani maľovať, zato tvorí neuveriteľne prepracované mozaiky z tisícov kúskov LEGA

LEGO – dá sa z neho postaviť lietadlo, vysnívaný dom pre bábiky, garáže, vesmírna loď… Jednoducho čokoľvek, čo detská fantázia potrebuje k hre. Tentokrát však zažiarilo pod rukami umelca, ktorý sám o sebe hovoril, že je nešikovný. Napriek tomu tisíce ľudí obdivuje jeho originálne LEGO mozaiky.

Joseph Kraham sa pokladá za umelecky nenadaného človeka, ktorý nevie kresliť, maľovať a tieňovať. Všetko sa však zmenilo, keď jemu a jeho manželke umrel v roku 2014 milovaný psík Great Dane. Rozhodol sa jej na pamiatku vyrobiť portrét z LEGA. A tak sa všetko začalo.

Pôvodne Joseph plánoval vytvoriť iba túto jednu mozaiku. Počas ďalších troch rokov ich však vyrobil ďalších 40. A tak sa inžiniera s plným pracovným úväzkom a z otca troch detí stal aj umelec venujúci sa mozaikám z LEGA. Zvykne ich darovať charitám alebo populárnym atlétom z Houstonu. Počas posledných troch rokov tejto tvorbe venoval približne 2300 hodín svojho času.

Špecializuje sa na pointilizmus – umelecký štýl, ktorý vytvára obrazy pomocou maličkých bodiek. Používa svoju vlastnú techniku, počas ktorej natiera kúsky LEGA akrylovým lakom v spreji a štetcom. Viac informácií o jeho tvorbe nájdete na jeho Instagrame.

LEGO mozaiky

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Emma super excited that I repaired her artwork. Had to destroy several portions of it to rebuild it, but it now weighs about 55 pounds! Super excited to hang this back up and ensure the crap out of it! 48 inches tall by 48 inches wide and over 23,500 painted Lego pieces. This is using my old technique and has a much smaller variation of colors. Only about 100 colors total in this art piece. My new technique would probably have 250+ colors but this time always be special since I built it about two years ago. I’ve learned from my mistakes and how to make this artwork stronger so that the frames don’t warp or break. Probably the only art piece in my collection not for sale! #onebrickatatimelego #lego #art #disney #ariel #disneyart #daughter #love @disney @disneyfamily @disneystudios @disneyanimation @disneyland @disneyland

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The actual Van Gogh "Starry Night" is approximately 29 inches tall by 36.25 inches wide (~1,051 in.²) and is currently at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. I am not a normal "artist", but I would love the opportunity to have this Mosaic at MoMA. Please share this / tag anyone or everyone! Since the Lego mosaic technique that I use only has a resolution of approximately 10.24 dots per in.² , I decided to make my take on the Van Gogh classic a little bit bigger. This mosaic is 190 studs long/60" x 152 studs tall/48 inches. My version measures approximately 2880 in.² (almost triple the size of the real art piece) and took somewhere around 200+ hours to paint all of the Lego pieces. These are not normal Lego pieces, these are pieces that are painted and organized prior to assembly, approximately 130 different colors were used in this mosaic alone. In addition, there are approximately 28,800 Lego pixels (estimate ~15,000 individual pieces because I use different pieces). Help me with this dream and share/tag any one! #onebrickatatimelego #lego #legoart #art #painting #mosaic #pixel #pixelart #vangogh #starrynight #moma @themuseumofmodernart

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Tribute to Norman Rockwell’s famous “Freedom from Want” 1943 out of ~40,000 Painted Acrylic Lacquer In Lego pieces (demo) and modified @Lego colors. This render took quite a bit to get it right but I think this would do the real one justice! This render would be 72”x 54” vs the real one approximately 46”x 36”. Might need to make this one for next year before thanksgiving for @norman_rockwell_museum @montanacans @hallmark #onebrickatatimelego #lego #art #thanksgiving #acrylic #painting #normanrockwell #afol #pixel #pixelart #mosaic #illustration #montanacolors #montanacans @smithsoniannpg @smithsonian @national_gallery @nationalportraitgallery @artgalerri @artgalleryofsa @artvisionz @instagram #happythanksgiving @mosseri @kevin @mikeyk #thewoodlands #thewoodlandstx

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Salvator Mundi – ~38,000 PAINTED LEGO pieces!!! Artwork over 6 feet tall x 4.4 feet wide and weighs over 60lbs. Frame was designed by Karsten Lee w/ Cornerstone Framing. Total time from start to finish was over 500 hours. Between design, painting tens of thousands of pieces, outsourcing framing and design, construction of artwork, hand painting finished pieces, and countless updates probably on the low side with saying 500 hours! Excited for my next project but I can’t say yet. #onebrickatatimelego #lego #art #mosaic #painting #acrylic #leonardodavinci #houston #houstonartist #legoartist #afol #legostagram #artistsoninstagram #artist #mosaicart @gladegallery @gladeartsfoundation #gladeartsfoundation @streetartglobe #streetartglobe #artdaily @dailyart #artopia_world #artsamazingz #art_dailydose #artfido @artfido

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Zdroj / Mozaiky z kociek LEGA: boredpanda