Tieto ženy si prestali farbiť vlasy a nechávajú vyniknúť prirodzené šediny, za ktoré sa nehanbia

Sivé, strieborné a platinové vlasy sú v posledných rokoch módnym trendom. Či ste ich fanúšikom, alebo sa vám zdajú na mladých dievčatách prehnané, musíme uznať, že priťahujú pozornosť. Prečo potom mnoho dospelých žien robí všetko pre to, aby svoje prirodzené šediny zakryli? Najmä ak vezmeme do úvahy, že u mužov vnímame strieborné pramene často ako niečo, čo im pridáva na charizme.

Preto sa čoraz viac žien vo svete rozhodlo urobiť krok k tolerantnejšej spoločnosti. Niektoré mali pocit, akoby si priznaním šedín doslova vyzliekali vlastnú dušu, ale už po pár týždňoch si užívali pocit slobody a autentickosti. Komunita ľudí oslavujúcich prírodne sivé, biele či strieborné vlasy sa nazýva Grombre. Slovo grombre vzniklo spojením slov grey – sivé a ombre. Chcú poukázať na prirodzenosť starnutia, ktoré neznamená, že je človek škaredý alebo neupravený. Ako uvidíte na nasledujúcich fotografiách, šediny neuberajú na šarme a mnoho dám pôsobí, akoby práve vystúpili z rozprávky alebo z módneho magazínu. Niektoré už majú korunu krásy celú odhalenú, iné si ešte nechávajú odrastať nafarbené vlasy – preto ich sivé korienky pripomínajú ombre. Všetky majú však niečo spoločné – rozhodli sa byť samé sebou!

Grombre – ženy ukazujú prirodzenú krásu šedín

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“I can remember being in 7th grade during a school “break” in the courtyard and my best friend grasping at the top of my head and exclaiming, “You have a gray hair!” She affectionately termed this my unicorn hair, and we watched as the year went on and more and more unicorn hair appeared on my head. By the time I was 16, I had more unicorn hair than I could pull out or hide by changing my part, and I began coloring it on a monthly basis. This continued for six years until some time in 2015 when I began thinking, what if I just let it go, quit spending so much money and time on covering my gray, and just LET IT GO. Honestly, I was pretty hesitant, but one evening when my boyfriend and his sweet family heard I was contemplating going gray, they encouraged me whole heartedly, giving me that boost of confidence I was lacking. Now, I wish I had never even began dying my hair in the first place! Here I am today, at 27 years old, and I’ve sported a full head of gray hair for going on four years! The growing out stage was awkward of course. I even interviewed at my current firm with half gray, half brown hair thinking, “Please don’t let them think I’m crazy.” I can’t count how many people stop me on a DAILY basis to talk about my hair – it is the ultimate icebreaker. I’ve turned so many strangers into friends – young/old, male/female…, you name it. My heart feels so full when someone tells me I’ve inspired them to embrace their natural beauty as well – whatever it may be! So, what I’d like to say to you is, don’t hide your natural beauty, whatever it may be – embrace it! You’ll soon thank yourself.” @marina.l.defoor #grombre #gogrombre

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“I was so excited when I found my first gray at eleven; family history had it that my great-great-grandfather had white hair at 30 and he was a man of myth and legend in my young life. In high school I had white streaks in my hair, earning the nickname “Rogue”. In my late twenties the story changed; I was poised to become a bride and didn’t want my salt and pepper hair overshadowing me. I dyed it dark brown and gained a lot of compliments on how much “younger” I looked. One divorce and a career change later I realized it wasn’t my hair color that was aging me. At 36 my silver is shining again and I’ve been rewarded with hair that looks like ME and all the superpowers that go with it.” @melissa.gartman #grombre #gogrombre

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“Wearing grey hair in Ukraine is weird and is a prerogative of grannys. I was inspired by women abroad, especially European ones. So when I once missed a visit to my hairdresser and later found a myriad of shiny silver threads in my hair, I quickly made one the best decisions in my life: I`m going grey! Despite on lack of support, a need to wear a hat in summer, some doubts and complete unknown about a result, I had a huge desire to change an attitude to grey hair among Ukrainian women. Since then a year has passed and I have no regrets about my decision. I receive a lot of endorsing comments, some women some followed my lead and I`m so happy about it.” @kseniapalfy #grombre #gogrombre

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"I got my first grey hair at the age of 9. I remember myself at that age looking at those extrange decolored hairs in front of my parents'mirror. So one day, I decided to make them disappear by cutting them off from the root, without knowing that a couple of days later they would appear triumphant on my head again. Since that day, I knew that those grey hairs were going to be there no matter what…All my life I tried to cover them, but when I started my university life my grey hairs were notorious enough for me to decide on dying my hair for the first time. From that moment on until March of this year they were covered out of shame, because of the fear of criticism BUT NOT ANY MORE. I finally want to be FREE, I want to be honest with what I really am and I can't wait to see the real version of me. Nowadays, my grey hair has become my inner force, my rebel part, my proud side…and I'm sure that I couldn't start this new beginning without the example of all of you, every one of you were my inspiration to finally accept me as I really am. Thank you all for being so brave… 💪👩‍🦳😘🌺🌸…." @vale_margaralibra #grombre #gogrombre

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“My first gray hair memory was when I was 7 years old. I remember being at school, I had long hair, and it caught my attention. I yanked it out, but never really thought much of it because I thought it was normal; both my parents have ALWAYS had grey since my earliest childhood memories. It wasn't until I got married and I had my second child at 22 that I started to go salt and pepper. One day, my female boss was leaning over from behind as I sat at my desk, and she made a comment, ‘oh my goodness, for such a young woman, you sure have LOTS of grey!’ I felt so embarrassed and ashamed; I did not want to be considered old! So from the age of approximately 24 I started to dye my hair dark brown, the closest I could get to my "natural" color. I did those until I was 41 years old. By then, I was coloring every 2 weeks! I hated it. It grew out so fast, all I could see was a white skunk line. Sometimes when I traveled, I would pack a box of dye in my luggage, just in case. I would be mortified if anyone even suspected that I had grey hair. Many times I tried growing it out, but I felt like I would look hagard and old, and then I'd give in, and re-dye; it was like alcohol addiction…always back to the bottle! Anyhow, I was going to turn 42, and I made a bet with myself… I would go cold turkey for 12 months (no matter what) and see what was really growing underneath the dye. My heart was ready. I got many (unwanted) opinions from friends and my kids, ‘don't do it, you're gonna look old…’ ‘Why are you letting yourself go?’ I did it, it took me 3 years to grow it out completely. I didn't do the big chop, instead, I kept cutting the ends. I have been dye free for 6 years now; I love me and my hair. I get compliments ALL the time. As a matter of fact, people in general think I'm in my 30's; I'm 48. …and because of my hair, I model for stock photos! I feel more vibrant and beautiful today more than I ever did than when I dyed it. My husband has nicknamed me his ‘SILVER FOX.’” @__la_silver_zorra__ #grombre #gogrombre

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