Fotomontáže zobrazujú každodenné objekty z iného uhla pohľadu. Fantázia mladej umelkyne vás rozhodne uchváti a zároveň pomotá hlavu

Monica Carvalho je švajčiarska fotografka, ktorá sa venuje digitálnemu umeniu. Fascinuje ju vizuálne umenie, ktoré je pre naše oči a vnímanie tak trochu provokatívne. Na prvý pohľad na fotografii niečo nesedí a náš mozog sa musí postupne prispôsobiť „nereálnej realite“. Keď lanovka premáva na lane, ktoré má v zobáku vták, alebo keď je kopček zmrzliny v kornúte súčasťou veľkého oblaku – vtedy nám nestačí letmý pohľad na obrázok. Tak ako Monica musíme hľadieť na dobre známe predmety z iného uhla. Jej fotomontáže vznikajú v Photoshope. Jej túžbou je takýmto spôsobom inšpirovať ostatných, aby sa na svet okolo seba pozerali novým spôsobom.

Fotomontáže Monica Carvalho

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Rock & Roll 🍞 The canyons in the US are the most spectacular landscapes I have seen in my life so far. I took this photo at Bryce Canyon National Park – such a breathtaking sight that I wanted to eat it with my eyes (hence the bread😛)! What’s the most beautiful place you’ve been to? Who knows, I might travel there and create a photomontage of it!♥️ Head over to Patreon (link in bio) for the behind-the-scenes!⛰ @mofart_photomontages • • • #mofart #art #artworks #surrealism #theweekoninstagram #picame #thedesigntip #popmyeyes #digitalcollage #contemporaryart #ratedmodernart #triptaminaworld #photoshop #avantarte #artistic_unity_ #thisweekoninstagram #vsco #createyourstory #brycecanyon #canyon #bread

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Eye-lectricity🔌 I often get asked why I use eyes so much in my work. It is because to me, eyes are the most expressive part of the human body. And also often the means through which we create a first connection with someone. Either the electricity works between two people, or it does not…hehe😜 Feel free to comment your interpretation of this work below! Behind-the-scenes video of this montage available for patrons ➡️ link in bio! @mofart_photomontages • • • #mofart #art #artworks #surrealism #theweekoninstagram #picame #thedesigntip #popmyeyes #digitalcollage #contemporaryart #thepinklemonade #graphicroozane #ratedmodernart #triptaminaworld #photoshop #avantarte #artistic_unity_ #winkmagazine #lovewatts #thisweekoninstagram #createyourstory #creativecloud_clarity #eye #ps_sparkle

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Eye-crylic paint 🎨 This was really fun to create, check out my patreon page if you’re curious about the process 📸! Also excited to let you know that I’ve added new products to my online shop: canvas prints & phone cases✨Link in bio! Have a great week ♥️ • • • #mofart #art #artworks #surrealism #theweekoninstagram #picame #thedesigntip #popmyeyes #culturainquieta #plastikmagazine #digitalcollage #launchdsigns #contemporaryart #fubiz #thepinklemonade #graphicroozane #humalien #ratedmodernart #triptaminaworld #doyoufollow #ps_whimsical #creativecloud_emotion #createyourstory #arts_gate #avantarte #artistic_unity_ #winkmagazine #lovewatts #thisweekoninstagram #vsco

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The sound of the sea(r) 🐚🌊 @mofart_photomontages

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Fight or flight 🦌 @mofart_photomontages

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