Fotomanipulácie, ktoré Vám pomotajú hlavu

Photoshop sa dnes využíva na rôzne kozmetické, štylistické, či politické úpravy nevyhovujúcich fotografii. Ako skutočne umelecký prostriedok ho používa málokto. A medzi túto vybranú skupinku ľudí patrí aj Erik Johansson zo Švédska žijúci v nemeckom Berlíne. Pracuje s vlastnými fotografiami a práca vo „fotošope“ ide od ruky a výsledkom sú fascinujúce a ťažko myseľ-uchopiteľné diela inšpirované surealizmom a escherovským videním reality. Polámte si svoj zrak a mozog na jeho dielach, ktoré pôsobia ako dokonalá optická ilúzia.


New work! "IMPACT" …see a larger version with more details on my website, link in my profile. 💔⛵️

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New work! "Full Moon Service" 🌕🌕🌕 This is a photo I've been working on from now and then for the past 8 months. Shot in the late summer of 2016 a beautiful calm evening in the middle of Sweden outside of Götene. I brought out 7 rice lamps, 7 light bulbs, an electric generator, a car and two models out in a field. The main part that has been retouched in this photo is to replace the rice ball with a moon texture, the light and the mood was very close to what you see in the photo. I would love to hear your thoughts about it. What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see it? …see more details on my website by following the link in my profile . Want to know how it was made? Behind the scene video link in profile! . #fullmoonservice #erikjohansson #surreal #landscape #moon #fullmoon #lights #shooting #hasselblad #h6d50c #photography #print #holmestad #sweden #moons

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