Táto fotografka zachytáva ženy ako nikto iný a výsledok je ako z rozprávky!

Keď sa vo fotografii skrýva príbeh, vydržíme sa na ňu pozerať aj celé hodiny. Takýto hypnotizujúci účinok majú fotografie mladej umelkyne Belly Kotak. Pochádza z Londýna, ale cestuje po celom svete a učí ľudí vnímať svet podobne ako ho vníma ona. Najradšej fotografuje ženy a pomocou krásneho prostredia, oblečenia, líčenia i rekvizít ich premieňa na kráľovné, víly a princezné. Vyzerajú akoby boli vystrihnuté z rozprávkovej knihy. Ležia v kvetinových poliach, v korunách stromov, alebo sa majestátne vznášajú v oblakoch z dymu. Jej tvorba je krehko ženská, zároveň však ukazuje silu nežnejšieho pohlavia.

Bella Kotak tvorí fotografie, v ktorých sa ženy premieňajú na víly, kráľovné a princezné. Poetické snímky pripomínajú rozprávky plné ženskosti

Throwback to shooting against the most glorious flowering bush featuring @jodilakin and @joflemingdesign ✨ . I've been struggling a little lately with life and health. It's been affecting my creativity and holding me back from giving my all. This artistic block is something I'm trying to fight through. Not having an outlet for my frustrations is not fun not gonna lie 😌 I'm sharing this because if you're a creative struggling too then I want you to know you're not alone. Sending hugs from across the seas ❤

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Hello everyone! @solsticeretouch and I are so excited to share our first ever contest! . We are giving away a FREE limited-edition action "Vermilion" for you to play with! . With this gift, we would like to see what you create with it, and share it with us! We're giving not one, but TWO lucky people a chance to win all of our collections. And if you already have all of our collections, we'll give you our next collection which is in the works 😀 . Check out the contest, rules, and how to enter in the link below, which is where you can pick up the free action for you to play with! . http://fineartactions.com/contest . Looking forward to seeing what you create! – Model is the gorgeous Marie Neumaier Skin retouching by Pratik Naik

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Everybody has a secret world inside of them. I mean everybody. All of the people in the whole world, I mean everybody — no matter how dull and boring they are on the outside. Inside them they've all got unimaginable, magnificent, wonderful, stupid, amazing worlds… Not just one world. Hundreds of them. Thousands, maybe. – Neil Gaiman . I often think about how much of my environment I take for granted. It's only when I share my world with another, a visiting friend, a child, you guys online, that I realise that there is beauty everywhere and just noticing it makes such a difference between a good and bad day. A positive life is choosing to chase the light rather than dark. 🙏✨ . Model: @joy_draiki Hair & Makeup: Nadia Veenhof Cape: @costureroreal Crown: @pendulousthreadsuk Skin retouching: @solsticeretouch

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A dream of you . Sleeping Queens and floral dresses… an insight into my summer frolics this year 😅 . A few months ago the lovely people at @profotoglobal approached me to play with a new product they were launching aimed at young photographers looking to step up their lighting game. It was perfect timing as I'd just been looking into a portable, lightweight, and powerful kit that I could bring to my shoots. The A1s are pretty awesome in my experience. I'm loving bringing them along to my shoots and can't wait to share more of what I've been up to this summer with you 🙌✨ . ★ Model: @jodilakin ★ Dress by @joflemingdesign ★ Retouching by Bella Kotak & @solsticeretouch ★ Lighting by @profotoglobal ★ BTS video by @gorgeousfilms *Link in profile!* . #theworldismystudio

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The secret garden. . “Sometimes since I've been in the garden I've looked up through the trees at the sky and I have had a strange feeling of being happy as if something was pushing and drawing in my chest and making me breathe fast. Magic is always pushing and drawing and making things out of nothing. Everything is made out of magic, leaves and trees, flowers and birds, badgers and foxes and squirrels and people. So it must be all around us. In this garden – in all the places.” ― Frances Hodgson Burnett . One of my greatest achievements so far this year has to be being invited to teach a photography class on @creativelive! Check out the class to see how I created and colour toned this image 🙂 – www.creativelive.com . Behind the scenes blog post about my experience now up! – www.bellakotakphotography.com . ★ Model is @lex_lum @ TCM Models & Talent ★ Dress by @joflemingdesign ★ Hair & Makeup by Kristina Grohs ★ Skin Retouching: @solsticeretouch

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Zdroj / Rozprávkovo krásne portréty žien – dielo mladej fotografky Bella Kotak: boredpanda